3 Ways to Support Local Street Artists in Dallas

In cities across America, street art may be a source of civic pride, public artwork, and outdoor interaction. It is no longer viewed as solely destructive graffiti or vandalism.

Strategically positioned artwork, such as beneath a bridge, or on the exterior walls of any building, not only contributes to the neighborhood’s aesthetic appeal but may also be profitable for business.

However, a lot of artists paint or hang their creations on walls for free, street art photographers document and publicize this art for free, and art lovers go in search of and do the same for free.

Deep Ellum Art Co. has created an outdoor art gallery in Dallas that allows local artists to showcase their art and monetize it. We think that because public art is intended for widespread consumption, it should be accessible to everyone without relying on street art galleries in Dallas, Texas.

The freedom of expression, interpretation, and perception for the artist and the audience has been preserved. We have successfully democratized art by enabling anybody with a voice to present their work to the public.

If you’re a gallery owner and would like to include diversity in representation and accessibility, here are some ways to show your support to local artists in your community:

1. Be Open to Sharing Their Work

Your favorite artists will benefit significantly from your sharing their work. The more you promote the art of the artists you admire; the more people will become familiar with them and their brands. To borrow some marketing jargon, knowledge precedes interest, want, and action.

While you might not have the money to commission a wall or buy a painting, there may be someone in your online network who does. By showcasing your favorite artists to all those people, you can significantly increase their exposure to a broader audience.

2. Encourage Building Owners to Allow Graffiti

Not all artists have the go-ahead to paint over their previous work. Some start painting and then hope the building owners will be grateful for their gift. Fans can assist in those cases by sending an email, making a phone call, or tagging the building owners on social media and expressing their enthusiasm for the artwork shown on their walls.

Unfortunately, it’s more common for people to make complaints than to take action to give praise. But, reaching out to the building management helps to balance the scales and encourages owners to keep the work on their walls, which lets more people see it and gives artists a better chance of selling their work as it builds their brand value.

3. Purchase Their Work

Since not all street artists choose to work on commissioned walls, they must find other ways to monetize their work, such as by selling canvases, prints, merchandise, or various other items. Visit our website to see a variety of prints and other products created by regional artist groups that give them a commission for every sale.

We can do many things that won’t cost us a fortune if we want to support our favorite musicians on a more modest budget. At Deep Ellum Art Co., we even offer entire walls as canvases for artists to paint on for the crowds to see their work. Of course, you can buy a canvas or commission a wall if you have the money.

Purchase The Best Street Art in Texas

If you want to help your local arts community, stop by Deep Ellum Art Co. and look at our outdoor exhibition of artwork chosen by regional artists and showcasing their signature pieces. We even help them out by selling their creations!